Monday, December 18, 2006

A short story.

"Daniel" mother called, "Daniel, fetch me some flour from the pantry."

"Yes mother" Daniel replied.

Daniel grabbed a kitchen chair and dragged it behind him into the pantry. He placed the chair against the shelf and climbed onto the seat, steadying himself with one hand on the back. He craned his neck, looking for the precise location of the flour. He spotted it, there, just beyond the box of rice. Daniel stood on his toes, bracing himself with one hand on the shelf just below the flour. He stretched the other arm and reached forward. As Daniel's child finger grazed the front of the package of flour, he got cancer and died.

Relax. I'm ok. Like a bad 70's song, this story got stuck in my head for the last few days and I needed to sing a few bars to shake it loose. The muses, like the cosmos, have a sick sense of humor.


Unconscionable said...

I don’t know doodely about cancer so instead of trying to answer to it, I thought I just share something trivially stupid going on in my life….. a mildly amusing Christmas story.

This year I decided to be organized and do all my shopping early. I bought Tara four presents. I am positive I bought four presents because I specifically chose four as a good number. I have three of them. The fourth present I put away somewhere, and I don’t recall where. Not only can’t I remember where I put it, but I can’t even remember what I bought. I had to fess up, and Tara thinks it’s really funny, but it has been driving my mad for over a week now.

Anonymous said...

This story illustrates two important points to me. One, don't listen to your mother, and two, never help in a cooking project, never cook, just stay out of the kitchen alltogether.

Your pal,

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is why I'm starting to bake less.. now where is that Adenocard?