Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Regarding Mad Max, Thunderdome, et al.

I understand that once the apocalypse comes things will change, values will slide, paradigms will shift. Of course, things will be different. Still, one would think that some basic concepts would stay the same; water will be wet, round objects will roll, pop-tarts will be tasty. Considering all of this, I have a grave concern. What sort of physics bending cataclysmic event will occur that will lead us all to believe that left over high school football pads and soup strainers will provide the necessary protection to ensure our survival? Apparently a colander on one's head is the ultimate in safety and security. Perhaps we should be funneling federal funds into studying the immense powers that lie in placing a sieve on our heads. Perhaps this study can even prevent Armageddon.


Anonymous said...

There is an apacolypse coming, or is this and advertisement for the new aztec Mel Gibson movie?

Anonymous said...

I am sort of looking forward to the apacolypse. I look upon the event as the great equalizer. I am for anything that levels the rich.

Anonymous said...

If you win the lottery, and feel like sending me a check, please just send it along to Jack Daniels, Maker's Mark, and the Camel cigarette people, in exchange for a lifetime supply.