Monday, August 20, 2007

Will someone please tell Barney those are not candy

Tomorrow. The day after today. The day before the day after tomorrow. A week from a week and a day ago. Domani. (in actuality, for clarity's sake, we're talking Tuesday, August 21st here).


They're taking out my gallbladder. I'm going to wind up with nothing more than a hollow cavern where I once had a working digestive system.

I'm going to write something soon. Something beautiful and prophetic and epic, and melodic, and all sorts of nice stuff. It's been a while, but I can feel it in there somewhere. I just hope it's not in my gallbladder.

See you all in a week or so.


Anonymous said...

Damned Billy,

Maybe they will give you a mechanical one.

your pal,

Anonymous said...

Forgot to say Goodluck!