Saturday, March 11, 2006

Gather ye rosebuds

My spirituality has more to do with the natural world around me than with organized religion. There are strong connections between one's physical, emotional, and mental states and the condition of one's surroundings. Shakespeare often used the state of nature to mirror the political and emotional arenas in his plays. It is not always a direct cause and effect relationship. Most of the time it is a circumstantial and tangential arrangement, but none the less interesting and inspiring. In my little part of the world this week the weather has moved increasingly towards the onset of spring. As the days went by, the skies grew clearer, the sun brighter, the temperature warmer. As the world has increased in pleasantness so have I. This week, with every day, I felt stronger and happier. I went to work, I spoke with friends, I enjoyed an evening out at some old haunts. Today, as the day is glorious, I am looking forward to another evening of fun, and time spent tomorrow with my good friend Chris and two of my most favorite little boys in the world.

On Thursday, in a discussion with a friend at work, I realized that I was feeling great, but as always these days, it was a relative assessment. At another time it would have simply been just another day. It wasn't as if I had been given the ability to fly with x-ray vision and fight the injustices of the world. I simply was. But, when see through the tainted lenses of my experience the two weeks prior, Thursday seemed like the best day of my life. It is almost impossible to convey how wonderful it is to drink cold water.

I'm extremely grateful for these few days. I know that on Monday it will all disappear and I will once again be thrown into the abyss. But it is also days like this that help me to see clearer the need to continue to fight my way through the bad times.

I hope you all have as wonderful a weekend as I. Carpe the crap out of the diem!!!

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