Thursday, May 10, 2007


It's been a while since I've written something. This popped out after a curious image flashed across my tv for a couple of seconds.

remember when our world was in black and white?
when the days were free
and we played at night
the streets our world
in children's sight
it all seemed big
and lamps shone bright
remember when our world was in black and white?

remember when our world was in black and white?
when grown-ups were giant
and we hid from their sight
we tumbled and laughed
and played polite
we phoned with cups
with string pulled tight
remember when our world was in black and white?

remember when our world was in black and white?
we worried over candy
used pillows to fight
we stressed over the loss
of a ball or a kite
we feared the closet
and kept on the light
remember when our world was in black and white?

remember when our world was in black and white?
next week was too distant
our birthday far from sight
santa took for ever
to visit us that night
there was no week, or month or year
there was just good night
remember when our world was in black and white?

remember when our world was in black and white?
we tumbled off our skates
or fell from short height
a simple hug and kiss
would make it all alright
finding that lost toy
would fill us with delight
remember when our world was in black and white?

remember when our world was in black and white?
our universe was in our home
the walls held us tight
our moms held the court
our dads played the knight
our sisters on our left
our brothers on our right
remember when our world was in black and white?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The poem you wrote was one of the most beautiful things I've read in a long time. Thank you for putting life in perspective - even for a moment.
