Thursday, May 17, 2007

That is the ugliest mustache I have ever seen

As many of you may know, today was D-day with my oncologist. I was to get the results of my latest cat scan and discuss the next round of chemo. I was not really looking forward to this. I haven't slept well in the last week. Plus I was having a really good time the last month and a half, being able to forget that I have cancer.

Well my friends and friendettes, great news!!! My scan came back clean. Now, this doesn't mean the cancer is gone, but it does mean that it's not growing anything new. Also, my doctor decided to hold off on the chemo. He feels that since I'm in no immediate need right now, and that I'm still healing from the last surgeries, and we don't want to use up all the drugs which would reduce their efficacy, that I should wait before we start anything. My next scan is in two months. Oh, we also decided that we would do scans every two months rather than every four so that we can catch the next tumors earlier.

So....I have at least a couple of more months to enjoy!!! And, if all goes well next scan, that should bring me all the way through the summer. This is going to be a GREAT summer!!! I can't wait to see everyone at Jody's wedding.

This has been a great week for news. On top of the cancer news, I found out I have a new position at work, which I really wanted and look forward to.

I'll post more, soon I hope. But for now I'm just going to be ridiculously happy and enjoy the time I have!


Nurse Cha said...

that's fantastic news! I join you in ridiculous happiness!

Unknown said...

Awesome news there Billy oy. Looks like you may close a few more places arond the world this summer.. give me a shout if you get a chance to venture out towards Seattle... -eric