Thursday, February 16, 2006

I don't know nothing about birthing no bovines

In 1900 a wise man named Milton, after some time in the candy business, decided to take his recipe for milk chocolate and make it into bars. 106 years later you can go to the nearest shop and buy a chocolate bar with nuts, or caramel, or nugat, or walnuts, or crisped rice, or almonds, or peanut butter, or...well you get the idea. I do enjoy Baby Ruth, Chunky, and Kit-Kat bars. But every now and then there is nothing better than simple, pure, basic Hershey's chocolate bar; 12 little rectangles of solid chocolate bound together into a perfect bar. Sometimes there is just too much, all those other little things they put in the bar fake your mouth into thinking it's having a good time, but they just distract from the beauty of the chocolate. Are you getting the metaphor?

This week has been pretty good. I haven't felt sick, and I got some energy back. I decided to take advantage of the few days I have to be functional, as they are getting fewer and farther in between. I went to my office today for a while, and may go back in tomorrow. I'm going to do something this weekend, I'm not quite sure what but I'm going to do something. The specter of Monday's chemo is hovering over my shoulder. I am not looking forward to next week at all, but just as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, it will come.

I just saw a commercial on tv for some sort of children's shampoo. There were topless kids, probably about 3 or 4, boys and girls. How does society come up with it's ridiculous rules? We allow little girls to run around topless, and then at some point tell them they have to stop. It's ok to show a 3 year old girl on tv with no shirt, but let the hammer of the moral majority come down on us if she is 23. Personally I find it more disturbing to look at a naked 3 year old.

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