Monday, January 09, 2006

First day, new chemo

So today was the first day with the new drugs. From the official list of possible side effects of Oxalipatin: Clumsiness, unsteadiness, trouble with normal daily activities; Numbness or weakness in your arm or leg or on one side of your body; Unusual bleeding, bruising, or weakness. Now those are just some of them. I've heard from a few people that have taken this drug about hypersensitvity to cold, and pain in your extremities. There are stories about having to wear gloves just to take a can of soda out of the fridge, and not being able to drink it until it's room temperature. But, me being me, I don't listen to anyone. Of course, I need to find out for myself.

The first drug I get injected with is Avastin. I took this drug the last round, and from time to time it made me nauseous and vomit. Today it wasn't bad. I got a little sweaty, but no other real symptoms. Then came the oxiuglystuff. At first it wasn't bad, but chemo drugs sneak up on you. When it was almost done going in, I started getting those pins and needles in my fingertips. Not really painful, but very, very wired.

Then I got home, and had some dinner. I was still feeling pretty good. I got some Chinese food, grabbed a fork from the drawer, and then reached in the fridge for a can of Pepsi. "Hey, this isn't bad, I can pick this up with no probl........OHHHHHHHH CRAP!!!!!!!" My hand felt like I had just jammed my fingers into an electrical socket. And if you think that's just hyperbole, remember, I've done some stupid things in my life, like jamming my fingers into an electrical socket. Again, it wasn't really painful, but it was one of the strangest feelings I've ever had. Still not believing everything I heard, I went straight to drinking it. At first it was fine, but then....OHHHHHHH CRAP!!!!!!! My tongue tingled a little, like when you eat pop rocks and soda, then there was this feeling as I swallowed, as if there were a nail in every sip of Pepsi.

I also have some pain in my jaw, that comes and goes, and when it comes it hurts like hell. Aint life grand?

another note on the day; I wore my new 2005 Chemoman Triathlon shirt to my treatment today. A few people got a good laugh out of it. See the 2006 version here. I like seeing cancer patients laugh. I also met a 62 year old guy with pancreatic cancer who was there for his first round. I talked to him about what to expect, and praised our oncologist. It's quite a thing to think of myself as the experienced old timer around a guy that is almost twice my age. Quite a thing indeed.

One last note. I'm supposed to be quitting smoking. But it's hard, especially with all this chemo stuff going on. Sorry Dave, I'm not doing as well as you, but I promise, I'm trying.

One of my favorite poems of all time!!

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