Friday, January 13, 2006

My Dad's Right Wing Conspiracy

The last couple of days kinda sucked. I couldn't eat anything because I was afraid it was going to come right back up. My stomach was in constant turmoil. Today when I woke up, somewhere around 3, I was hungry, and my stomach seemed to have settled. This is how it goes. I'll be sick for a few days, then I'll slowly feel better, and just as I'm getting back to normal, it's time to go back for more chemo.

Something else interesting happened today. I love my father very much. He takes great care of me while I'm sick. Sure, like any father and son we have our tugs of war, but overall we get along great. One of my biggest peeves about my dad is his political tendencies. Dad is a bit of a right winger, while I lean way over to the left. Granted I'm not as far left as say...Dave, but then again he does live on the west coast.

So anyway....about today. Dad likes to listen to all the right wing clap-trap on the radio. He's a big fan of such blowhards as Rush and Hannity. As soon as he wakes up in the morning he turns on every radio in the house so that no matter where he goes he can listen to the narrow minded hypocrisy they all spew. I don't know if he does this when I'm not here. I have a sneaking suspicion that he feels if he blares it throughout the house while I'm sleeping and sick and therefore susceptible to overwhelming force, that he will somehow make me one of them. I love ya dad, but no go. the strange thing...when I woke up today there were no radios on. right wing propaganda, and I feel better enough to eat again? Coincidence?? I wonder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If anyone hasn't been to Cafe de Klos in Amsterdam, YOU HAVE TO GO (unless you're a veggie in which case it's complete carnage!!). Mind you, the "Screaming Organsm" Coffee is a good enough reason to go on its own....

Billy - next time you're there, I'm back in there with ya, and this time it'll be me sitting on your knee giving you a cuddle and not Naomi (photos for sale if anyone's interested ;-) And if we move to CT, we'll see you even sooner!

Much love big boy...