Sunday, January 15, 2006


In previous posts I noted that I was feeling good, and had made it through the day without hurling. Each time, I spoke too soon. This time I wanted to wait and make sure it was actually a good day. Saturday was the first day all week that I was able to keep food down. Now, here it is Sunday night, and it looks like I might have made two days in a row!!

The Steelers won today. It was a close game, and nobody thought they would win, except for Dave. Dave's devotion to and knowledge of the Steelers are more wonderful manifestations of his geekness. I wish I could move to San Fran.

I might go back to my apartment tomorrow. I had a little trouble sleeping last night; hopefully tonight will not be the same.

Chemo tends to fog the brain. My thoughts this week have been vague and disjointed. I had trouble forming complete thoughts in my head, and even when I did, I found it difficult to write them. My wit has been slowed, my vocabulary stunted, my creativity washed out. For someone who prides himself on his mind and writing ability, it's almost as big a struggle as the physical side effects wrought upon my internal organs. Almost.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can absolutely relate to your whole chemo brain thing. I find myself making more typos and while reading have difficulty proouncing words sometimes. Sometimes I can think of a word in my mind but can't get it out. It's all very frustrating. I've been told not all of us will regain these abilities either. :(